- Adrien Bécue (M) is AI & Cybersecurity Expert at Thales. He has experience in Network Centric Warfare, Tactical Communications, Border Security, Cybersecurity, Industrial Control Systems and Artificial Intelligence with applications in military and civil domains. He has been working for the French Defence Procurement Agency as Program Buyer (2004-2008), for EADS group as project manager (2008-2013), for AIRBUS CYBERSECURITY as Head of Innovation (2013-2022) and for THALES as AI & Cybersecurity Expert (2022-now). His current activities focus on security of AI-based systems and countering AI/Autonomous threats.
Conférencier(e) sur
Mettre à profit l'IA et le machine learning pour la cybersécurité
AI Experts Sessions
Machine Learning (ML)
16:15 - 16:50
Salle de Conférence 3